The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

The Blue Axelrodi Rasbora (Sundadanio axelrodi) is a beautiful freshwater fish. It adds bright neon blue color to any aquarium. Many hobbyists like these fish because they are calm and colorful.

These small fish grow to only about 2 cm long. They make a great choice for community aquariums. With good care and the right environment, they can live for many years. This guide has all the information you need about Blue Axelrodi Rasboras. It covers their natural home and the best way to set up your aquarium for them.

Understanding Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

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Understanding Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Blue Axelrodi Rasboras are beautiful fish great for peaceful community aquariums. They swim actively and add bright colors to the lower parts of a well-kept tank. Their small size makes them perfect for nano tanks. However, they also do well in larger tanks with friends that get along with them.

These fish have shiny blue and red colors. They like planted areas, just like their natural blackwater home in Indonesia. Axelrodi Rasboras like to be in groups and show their best colors and behaviors when they are with six or more. To help them thrive, it is important to understand their needs and create a good habitat in your aquarium.

Origins and Natural Habitat

The Blue Axelrodi Rasbora lives only on the Greater Sunda Islands, which include Borneo and Sumatra. They come from West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and South Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo.

In nature, these fish are found in peat swamps and blackwater streams. These areas have soft, acidic water with low pH levels. The water often looks like tea due to tannins from decaying organic matter.

Sadly, these sensitive ecosystems are at risk because of deforestation and human activities. This shows how important it is to keep fish in aquariums responsibly and support conservation efforts. By learning about their natural homes, hobbyists can create similar conditions in their tanks. This helps take care of these interesting fish.

Unique Characteristics and Behavior

The Blue Axelrodi Rasbora is easy to spot because of its bright colors. The top of its body has a shiny blue. This color changes to a bright red or orange near the tail. This makes a great look next to green plants in an aquarium. The colors are even brighter in males, especially when they show off to attract mates.

In terms of behavior, Blue Axelrodi Rasboras are mostly calm and like to be in groups. This group living is not just for looks. It helps them feel safe and encourages natural socializing.

In a well-kept aquarium, you will often see these lively fish swimming and playing among the plants. It is a fun sight for anyone watching. Also, these fish sometimes make soft chirping sounds when they are courting or fighting for territory. This adds to their charming personality.

Setting Up Your Aquarium for Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Setting Up Your Aquarium for Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Creating a great home for your Blue Axelrodi Rasboras is easy when you know what they need. These fish do best in a planted tank that looks like their natural blackwater home. You should use a soft, acidic substrate and add tannins to the water. It’s also important to keep the water just right.

Having dim lighting from floating plants gives a natural touch. This makes the fish feel safe and comfortable. A clean and well-set-up tank is key to keeping your Blue Axelrodi Rasboras healthy and happy.

Essential Equipment and Supplies

Before you bring your Blue Axelrodi Rasboras home, make sure you have the right equipment and supplies. This will help you create a space similar to their natural habitat. Here’s what you will need:

  • Aquarium: A 10-gallon tank will work for a small group. If you want more fish or plan to add tank mates, a bigger tank, like 20 gallons or more, is a better choice.
  • Filter: A gentle filter is best. It should not create strong water currents. This way, it will resemble their quiet, natural waters.
  • Heater: It is important to keep the water temperature stable between 73-79°F, so you will need a good heater.
  • Substrate: Go for a dark and soft substrate, like sand or fine gravel. You can also add real peat fiber to the substrate or filter to enhance the blackwater effect.
  • Plants and Décor: Use plants such as Java Moss, Java Fern, and Anubias to make a vibrant environment. Adding driftwood, rocks, and caves will create hiding places and make the tank look more natural.

Ideal Water Conditions and Parameters

To keep Blue Axelrodi Rasboras happy and healthy, it is very important to copy their natural blackwater habitat. Here are the right water conditions to maintain:

ParameterIdeal Range
Temperature73-79°F (23-26°C)
pH5.0-7.0 (slightly acidic)
GH (General Hardness)1-5 dGH (very soft)
KH (Carbonate Hardness)0-3 dKH (very low)

You can get the right pH by using reverse osmosis (RO) water or adding Indian almond leaves or peat moss to your tank. It’s also important to do water changes of 25-30% every two weeks. This helps keep the water clean and stops harmful toxins from building up. A water conditioner can also help take out chlorine and heavy metals found in tap water.

Step by Step Guide to Caring for Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Step-by-Step Guide to Caring for Blue Axelrodi Rasbora

Caring for Blue Axelrodi Rasboras is simple if you follow two important steps. First, you need to cycle your aquarium. Next, you need to help the fish get used to their new home. Doing these steps is key for keeping your fish healthy and happy.

Before you add the fish, make sure the tank is ready. This will help them survive better and reduce stress. A well-prepared environment allows for brighter colors and more lively behavior in your fish.

Step 1: Cycling Your Aquarium

Before you add your Blue Axelrodi Rasboras, you need to cycle your aquarium. Cycling means getting good bacteria in the tank. These bacteria will break down bad ammonia and nitrites that come from fish waste.

First, set up your aquarium with all the needed equipment and gravel. Then, add a source of ammonia. You can use a product from the store or just put in a bit of fish food. For the next few weeks, check the water with a test kit.

As the good bacteria grow in the tank, you will see ammonia levels go up and then down. Nitrite levels will also rise and fall. When both ammonia and nitrite levels reach zero, your tank will be ready and safe for your fish. This whole process usually takes about 4-6 weeks.

Step 2: Introducing Blue Axelrodi Rasbora to the Aquarium

Once your aquarium is ready, you can add your Blue Axelrodi Rasboras. It is very important to help them get used to the new water slowly.

Start by floating the bag with the fish in the aquarium for about 15-20 minutes. This will help to equalize the temperature. After that, open the bag and slowly add small amounts of aquarium water every 10-15 minutes. This gradual process helps reduce stress and lets the fish adjust to their new home easily.

After an hour, you can gently let the fish go into the tank. Make sure not to dump them out of the bag because it can stress them. During the first few days, watch for signs of stress like fast breathing or strange swimming. If the fish are well acclimated, they will adapt quickly and start to explore their new aquarium.

Blue Axelrodi Rasbora conclusion


In conclusion, to care for Blue Axelrodi Rasbora, you need to know where they come from. It’s also important to set up a proper aquarium. Follow a clear care guide. Keeping good water conditions and giving the right food are key for their health.

When you make a good environment, you can see the unique traits and behaviors of these interesting fish. Don’t forget to cycle your aquarium. Introduce them slowly for an easy adjustment. With the right tools and careful attention, your Blue Axelrodi Rasbora will live well in your aquarium.

Blue Axelrodi Rasbora FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What do Blue Axelrodi Rasbora eat?

Blue Axelrodi Rasboras do well when they eat different types of food. It’s best to give them a mix of live foods, such as baby brine shrimp and microworms.

You should also feed them high-quality flake food and nano pellets. Feeding them regular meals with this variety will help them stay healthy and keep their colors bright.

How often should I feed my Blue Axelrodi Rasbora?

Adult Blue Axelrodi Rasboras do best with one or two small meals each day. Make sure they eat all the food in a few minutes. This helps prevent overfeeding, which can harm water quality. For fry, it’s better to feed them more often, up to three or four times a day. This helps them grow quickly.

Hi, I'm Millie a passionate fish enthusiast and blogger. I loves learning about all kinds of aquatic creatures, from tropical fish to stingrays.

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