How to Care for Licorice Gourami Fish

Licorice Gourami, known scientifically as Parosphromenus deissneri, are beautiful fish that many people admire. They are known for their unique looks and friendly behavior.

These small gouramis come from the peat swamps and blackwater streams of Southeast Asia. To thrive, they need special water conditions and a carefully set up space that feels like their natural habitat.

This guide will give you the key information you need to take good care of Licorice Gourami. It will help keep them healthy and lively in your aquarium.

Understanding Licorice Gourami

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Understanding Licorice Gourami

Licorice Gourami are small fish. They can grow to about 4 cm in size. They are beautiful, with black and silvery-grey stripes. Their fins have shiny blue markings. These fish are shy and peaceful.

They do best in a tank with their own kind or in a community aquarium. This community should have other fish that share the same water needs. To help these lovely fish thrive, it’s important to know their special traits, needs, and challenges. This way, you can give them a great home in your aquarium.

Recognizing the Unique Traits of Licorice Gourami

Licorice Gourami are easy to spot because of their unique black and silver stripes. Their bodies have a shimmering silver base with bold black lines. They also have black heads with a mouth that turns up.

Their dorsal, anal, and caudal fins shine with bright electric blue oval shapes, bordered with a whitish-blue color. The pelvic fins look bluish-green and have a whitish-blue tip, while their pectoral fins are transparent.

These fish show sexual dimorphism. This means that males are usually more colorful than females, especially when they are breeding. Females tend to be smaller and less vivid than males. Interestingly, both males and females can change color a lot based on how they feel.

Watching their colors and behavior can give you good ideas about their health. This knowledge helps you care for them properly and fix any issues quickly.

The Importance of Species-Specific Care

Licorice Gouramis, like other gourami species, require specific care to thrive in captivity. It is essential to replicate their natural environment to ensure their well-being. These fish prefer blackwater conditions characterized by soft, acidic water and subdued lighting.

Failure to provide these specific conditions can lead to stress, illness, and a shortened lifespan for Licorice Gouramis. By researching their natural habitat and mimicking it in your aquarium setup, you can support the healthy growth of these fish. Creating an environment that closely resembles their native surroundings allows Licorice Gouramis to exhibit their full splendor and beauty.

setting licorice gourami fish habitat

Setting Up the Perfect Habitat

Creating a good home for the Licorice Gourami is very important for its health and happiness. You need to copy its natural environment. This means having soft, acidic water, low light, and plenty of places to hide.

Choosing the right equipment, substrate, and decorations will help you build a great habitat. This will allow your Licorice Gourami to grow well and be happy in your aquarium.

Essential Equipment and Resources

When you set up an aquarium for Licorice Gourami, focus on having a strong filtration system. This will keep the water quality high and create gentle water movement. It’s important to have lots of plants and hiding places in the tank. These fish are shy and they like to be in spaces full of vegetation.

You can add driftwood, rocks, tunnels, and floating plants to make the tank look natural. This helps replicate their natural habitat and encourages natural behavior while providing them with security.

Use a dark substrate, as it will make their colours stand out and will look like the substrate in their natural blackwater home. Keep in mind, a clean tank with good water conditions is vital to keep your Licorice Gourami healthy and happy.

Creating a Similar Natural Environment

To make your aquarium like the peat swamps where Licorice Gourami come from, add leaf litter. Leaf litter creates extra hiding spots. It also gives off tannins as it breaks down. This makes the water look tea-colored, just like their home.

Having a dark substrate is very important. It copies their natural environment and makes their colors shine bright. Here’s what you need for the best setup:

  • Dark substrate: Pick dark gravel or sand.
  • Driftwood and rocks: Use different pieces of driftwood and rocks to make caves and spots to hide.
  • Dense vegetation: Add a mix of plants, including floating ones, to give cover and soften the light.
  • Leaf litter: Put a layer of dried Indian almond leaves or oak leaves to imitate their home and help them act naturally.

By making your setup close to their natural habitat, you will help your Licorice Gourami feel safe and happy.

Step by Step Guide to Licorice Gourami Care

Step-by-Step Guide to Licorice Gourami Care

Caring for Licorice Gourami means making their home like their natural environment. You should keep the water quality clean and offer a varied and healthy diet. If you follow these important steps, your Licorice Gourami will do well in the aquarium and live a long, happy life.

Keep in mind that regular care and paying attention to details are very important for a healthy and lively aquarium for your Licorice Gourami.

Step 1: Cycling Your Tank

Before placing any fish in a new aquarium, it is very important to make a healthy nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycle is a natural process. Beneficial bacteria break down harmful ammonia and nitrites. They change these into less harmful nitrates. This process helps keep good water conditions for your Licorice Gourami.

Cycling the tank usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks. You start by adding a source of ammonia to begin the cycle. It is important to check the water parameters regularly during this time. Make sure the levels of ammonia and nitrite stay at 0 ppm.

When the nitrogen cycle is complete, you can add your Licorice Gourami to their new home. Don’t forget that regular water testing and upkeep are key for a healthy aquarium environment in the long run.

Step 2: Maintaining Water Quality

Maintaining good water quality is very important for the health of Licorice Gourami. These fish do best in soft, acidic water with a low pH. You should aim for a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. The general hardness (GH) should be between 2-10 dGH, and the water temperature should be between 71-82°F (21-27°C).

To keep the water clean, do regular water changes. It is best to change 25-50% of the total tank water every week. Use a dechlorinated water conditioner to remove harmful chlorine and chloramine from tap water.

You should also test the water often with an aquarium test kit. This helps ensure that the water quality stays good for your Licorice Gourami. By changing the water regularly and checking the levels, you can prevent health problems and keep your aquarium thriving.

Step 3: Diet and Feeding Schedule

To keep your Licorice Gourami healthy and vibrant, it is important to give them a varied diet that includes live food. While some may eat good quality flake food, it is very important to add different live and frozen foods, just like what they eat in the wild.

Good live food options include brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, daphnia, and bloodworms. These options are rich in nutrients and help the fish in natural hunting. You can also use frozen foods as an easy alternative to provide more variety in their meals.

Feed them once or twice a day with small amounts that they can finish in a few minutes. Do not overfeed them because this can cause water quality problems and health issues.

licorice gourami challenges

Common Challenges and Solutions

Licorice Gourami are usually strong fish, but they can get sick or feel stressed if their habitat is not kept clean. It’s important to know the common issues they may face and how to fix them. This knowledge will help you keep your fish healthy for a long time.

If you take care of these issues early and keep their environment clean and stable, you can support the good health and happiness of your Licorice Gourami.

Identifying and Treating Diseases

Maintaining good water quality is the best way to stop diseases in Licorice Gourami. Bad water conditions can weaken their immune systems. This makes them more likely to get sick. Common illnesses include parasitic infections like Ich and velvet, as well as bacterial and fungal infections.

If you see your fish acting sick, such as being lazy, not eating, showing white spots on their body or fins, or swimming strangely, you need to act fast. Try to put the sick fish in a separate tank if you can and talk to a vet who knows about fish.

Treatment can change based on the disease and may involve medications, cleaning the water, or fixing water parameters. The best way is to focus on prevention by giving proper care and a healthy environment.

Managing Stress in Licorice Gourami

Recognising signs of stress in your Licorice Gourami is very important for their health. Stressed fish might show strange behaviour. They may hide a lot, gasp for air at the surface, stop eating, or act aggressively.

Stress can come from different things. This includes bad water conditions, aggressive tank mates, not enough hiding places, or too much water movement.

It’s important to keep your tank clean and maintain the right water parameters. You should also choose tank mates that work well together. Make sure there are plenty of hiding places and that the water flow is gentle. Pay attention to how your fish behave. If you see any signs of stress, take care of them quickly. This will help create a safe and healthy home for your fish.

licorice gourami conclusion


In summary, taking care of Licorice Gourami fish needs focus and a promise to create a good home for them. It is important to know their special needs to keep them healthy.

You can make sure your Licorice Gourami stays happy by creating a great habitat, keeping water quality high, and giving them the right food. Stay alert to any problems, like illness or stress, that might come up. With the right care and effort, your Licorice Gourami can do well and add joy to your aquatic space.

licorice gourami faq

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ideal Tank Size for Licorice Gourami?

Licorice Gourami are small fish, but they need a larger tank to swim and keep the water stable. For a couple of these fish, a tank of at least 10 gallons is best. If you want a small group, a 20-gallon tank is better.

How Often Should I Feed My Licorice Gourami?

It is a good idea to feed your Licorice Gourami once or twice each day. Give them a small amount of food like mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, or daphnia. They should eat it in just a few minutes. To avoid overfeeding, make sure to remove any uneaten food the next day.

Can Licorice Gourami Live with Other Fish?

Licorice Gourami are usually calm fish. However, they can be a bit protective of their space when it comes to other Licorice Gourami.

It is a good idea to keep them with other peaceful fish that are similar in size and can handle soft, acidic water conditions. Make sure to check which species can get along well to prevent any fighting or competition.

How to Tell if My Licorice Gourami is Healthy?

A healthy Licorice Gourami has bright colors, clear eyes, smooth fins, a good appetite, and normal energy. They swim around the tank easily and engage with their surroundings.

What are the Signs of Stress in Licorice Gourami?

Stress signs in Licorice Gourami include being sluggish, not eating, swimming strangely, keeping their fins close, gasping at the water’s surface, and losing their color. Watch their behavior carefully. If you see these signs, check the water parameters.

Hi, I'm Millie a passionate fish enthusiast and blogger. I loves learning about all kinds of aquatic creatures, from tropical fish to stingrays.

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