Green Fire Tetra Revealed: A Complete Guide to Care and Behavior

If you’re looking for a beautiful addition to your aquarium, look no further than the Green Fire Tetra. These little fish are a joy to behold and can add a splash of vibrant color to any tank.

In this blog post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about these fish, from their physical characteristics and behavior to their care and breeding.

We’ll also address common questions like whether they can coexist with other fish in your tank and how big they can grow. So if you’re thinking about adding some Green Fire Tetras to your aquarium, read on for all the information you need to keep them happy and healthy.

green fire tetra stats

Green Fire Tetra Stats

With their origins in South America’s Paraguay River basin, Green Fire Tetras (scientific name Aphyocharax Rathbuni) grow up to 1.5 inches. They’re known for their vibrant green and silver coloration, which can be enhanced with vegetation, tall background plants, or subdued lighting. Green Fire Tetras breed easily in a breeding tank with slightly acidic ph levels and temperature ranging from 72-79°F. They eat brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex worms, infusoria, cichlids pellets and baby brine shrimp.

Aphyocharax Rathbuni Origin, Habitat, Distribution

Green Fire Tetras (scientific name: Aphyocharax Rathbuni) are small freshwater fish native to South America’s Amazon basin. These peaceful tetras grow up to 1.5 inches (4 cm) in length and have a life span of 3-4 years. They prefer slow-moving rivers, streams, and flooded forests and are often found swimming in large groups in the middle and upper levels of the water column. Green Fire Tetras are easy to care for and make great additions to a community tank with other non-aggressive species.

Green Fire Tetra Physical Characteristics

Green Fire Tetra Physical Characteristics

With their vibrant green and silver coloration, Green Fire Tetras make an excellent addition to any aquarium. These active swimmers grow up to 1-2 inches, preferring to live in schools. They are relatively hardy fish that can adapt to various water conditions. Tank mates include non-aggressive species such as corydoras or other peaceful tetras. To keep them healthy, provide a varied diet of pellets, flakes, bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, or tubifex.

How big is a Green Fire Fish?

Green Fire Tetras are petite fish, measuring around 1.5 inches in length and exhibiting vibrant green coloring with clear or light fins. Although small, they need ample space to swim and explore. A well-filtered tank and frequent water changes are essential for their wellbeing.

What does a Green Fire Tetra look like?

The Green Fire Tetra is a small and brightly colored fish that is a popular choice for aquariums. It has a unique green and silver color with a red-orange tail, transparent fins, and streamlined body. Its large eyes provide excellent vision, while its peaceful nature makes it great for community tanks.

Gender differences of Green Fire Tetra

Green Fire Tetras exhibit gender dimorphism; males have bright, vibrant colors compared to females who are relatively duller with a rounder belly and less prominent dorsal fin. The anal fins of males are longer and pointed while that of females is shorter and rounded. Keeping both genders together is essential for breeding purposes. These characteristics make them an ideal addition to community tanks, especially those with cichlids or Corydoras as tank mates.

Green Fire Bloodfin Behavior and Temperament

The Green Fire Tetra is a lively and curious fish that thrives in a community tank with plenty of hiding places and vegetation. Their stunning coloration, which ranges from green to silver depending on their mood, makes them popular amongst aquarists. These petite fish enjoy exploring the environment around them, making them an excellent addition to any tank setup.

Mistaken Identity: Green Fire Tetra vs. Green Neon Tetra

Green Fire Tetras are known for their striking greenish-blue color on their bodies, complemented by red fins with white tips. These peaceful tropical fish can coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive tank mates in community aquariums that mimic their natural habitat found in the Paraguay River basin of South America. Aquarists must distinguish between Green Fire Tetras and Green Neon Tetras, taking note of physical differences such as size, behavior, and coloration. Incorporating tall background plants, floating plants, driftwood, and moss while maintaining slightly acidic water quality and subdued lighting will enhance their beauty.

Is the Green Fire Tetra Synonymous to Redflank Bloodfin?

Green Fire Tetras and Redflank Bloodfins are separate fish species with distinct physical characteristics. Green Fire Tetras have a green-blue color, red stripes on their fins, and slim bodies that can reach up to 2 inches. They thrive in social groups, and their peaceful nature makes them ideal for communal aquariums.

Green Fire Tetra Breeding

Green Fire Tetra Breeding

Breeding Green Fire Tetras is an interesting and rewarding experience for aquarists. To breed them successfully, a separate tank with hiding spots, vegetation, and subdued lighting is required. Females can lay up to 100 eggs that hatch within a few days. Fry need live foods such as baby brine shrimp, daphnia, or infusoria to mature, and water changes should be frequent to ensure optimal water quality.

Steps to Prepare a Breeding Tank

Encourage breeding among Green Fire Tetras by preparing a breeding tank that mimics their natural habitat in South America’s Paraguay River Basin. Opt for a secure lid, live plants, hiding spots, and sand/gravel substrate to promote spawning in dimly lit environments. Maintain water quality by feeding them live foods like Daphnia and Baby Brine Shrimp while ensuring suitable water parameters like pH (6.5-7.5) and temperature range (75-82°F). Breeding these peaceful and social fish can be rewarding for aquarists.

How to condition your Green Fire Tetra?

To successfully breed Green Fire Tetras, it’s crucial to condition them for at least two weeks by providing a varied and nutritious diet, a clean and stress-free environment with proper water parameters, regular water changes, and appropriate filtration. Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia can aid in conditioning.

Let the spawning commence in Green Fire Tetra

Breeding Green Fire Tetras is hassle-free and requires a separate breeding tank with appropriate water parameters and abundant vegetation for successful spawning. Females lay up to 100 eggs each during early morning hours that hatch within days. Care should be taken to avoid adults eating off their offspring. Newly hatched fry can be fed baby brine shrimp or commercially available fry food.

How to nurture the fry of Green Fire Tetra?

To care for Green Fire Tetra fry, provide a separate tank with proper water conditions and feed them small amounts of baby brine shrimp or crushed flakes multiple times daily. Keep the tank clean, use a sponge filter, and offer hiding spots for their security. Monitor their growth carefully as they are fragile in their early stages.

Green Fire Tetra Care

Green Fire Tetra Care

What is the Diet of Green Fire Tetra?

The Green Fire Tetra is an omnivore that needs a mix of plant and animal-based foods. Feed them small amounts several times a day, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen options like bloodworms or brine shrimp. Variety in their diet is crucial, and remove uneaten food to prevent water pollution.

Ideal water parameters for Green Fire Tetra

To ensure the well-being of Green Fire Tetras in your aquarium, it’s crucial to maintain their slightly acidic pH level of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature range of 72°F-82°F while keeping an eye on the overall water quality through regular maintenance and changes. These tropical fish thrive in a planted tank with tall background plants, driftwood, substrate, floating plants for hiding spots, and feeding grounds for live foods such as daphnia or baby brine shrimp.

Maintenance and Equipment for Green Fire Tetra

To ensure your green fire tetras are healthy and happy in their aquarium, several factors must be considered. Providing proper filtration, maintaining stable water conditions with regular water changes and monitoring pH levels between 6.0-7.5 is crucial for their health. A well-decorated aquarium with live plants like Java Moss or tall background plants will provide hiding spaces while floating vegetation provides shelter and reduces stress in these fish. A balanced diet consisting of pellets or live foods such as Daphnia or baby brine shrimp promotes growth and vitality in green fire tetras.

Green Fire Tetra Tank Mates

Choosing the right tank mate for your Green Fire Tetras is crucial. Opt for small non-aggressive species like Corydoras or Guppies to avoid fin-nipping. Keep aggressive or territorial species at bay in a clean and well-maintained aquarium. Create a natural habitat with ample hiding places, plants like java moss and floating plants as well as a tall background plant for added privacy.

Tank Size

When selecting an appropriate tank for your Green Fire Tetras, it’s important to take into account the other fish in your aquarium. A slightly acidic pH with good water quality is ideal for these tropical fish. Providing tall background plants and floating vegetation along with driftwood and substrate will create a natural habitat for them. A larger tank of at least 10 gallons ensures ample swimming space and allows for the growth of a thriving school of tetras.

Plants and Decorations

To create an ideal habitat for your community tank mate, consider installing a planted tank with live vegetation like java moss and hornwort. Natural-looking decorations like rocks, driftwood or caves are perfect hiding spots. Regular maintenance of your aquarium keeps water quality in check allowing your Green Fire Tetra to thrive.


For a healthy habitat of green fire tetras in your aquarium, it’s essential to maintain proper lighting conditions. To avoid any harm to the fish from direct sunlight that can cause algae growth, it’s best to use LED or fluorescent lights. A timer is also useful to regulate the amount of light and mimic their natural environment with plants and décor providing shade and hiding places.

Water Conditions

Maintaining healthy water conditions is vital for the longevity of your tropical fish offspring. A slightly acidic pH (between 6.0-7.5) is optimal for Green Fire Tetras in an aquarium with live foods such as daphnia and brine shrimp to bolster their diet. Soft to moderately hard water with temperatures ranging from 72°F to 82°F are essential for breeding tank success. Regular water changes improve overall water quality ensuring community tank compatibility with cichlids or Corydoras.

Adult Size & Lifespan

Green fire tetras can reach up to 1.5 inches (4 cm) in length and live for about 3-4 years. To reduce stress, it is best to keep them in schools of no less than six fish. These tropical fish need a well-filtered aquarium with adequate vegetation and hiding spots. For optimal health and vitality, provide them with a diverse diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods like baby brine shrimp or daphnia.

Tank Conditions

A well-maintained tank is crucial for the health of green fire tetras. These tropical fish need a slightly acidic pH level between 6.0 to 7.5, with ideal water parameters such as soft to moderately hard water and a consistent temperature range of 72°F to 82°F. A proper filtration system is essential, along with regular water changes and clean environments without any harmful contaminants. These fish thrive in planted tanks with tall background plants, floating plants, and plenty of vegetation that mimic their natural habitat in South America’s Paraguay River basin tributaries.


To keep your Green Fire Tetras healthy and disease-free, maintaining good water quality is crucial. Fin rot, ich, and velvet are common diseases that can be prevented by avoiding overfeeding and regularly changing the water. If you notice any signs of illness in your fish like lethargy or abnormal behavior, quarantine them immediately and treat them with the right medication. A balanced diet consisting of brine shrimp or daphnia along with high-quality pellets or bloodworms will ensure the health of your green fire tetra.

Sexual Dimorphism

Green Fire Tetra sexual dimorphism refers to the physical differences between males and females. The male has longer fins with vibrant green, yellow colors and white tips, while the female is less colorful. A suitable aquarium for breeding should have plants like Java Moss and tall background plants, driftwood, substrate, and be at least 20 gallons. Breeding requires a separate breeding tank with attention to water temperature and quality.

Natural habitat of the Fire Green Tetra

These vibrant green and yellow tropical fish are native to the Amazon Basin in South America. They are usually found in slow-moving rivers that have an abundance of dense vegetation and hiding places. To ensure their good health in an aquarium setting, it is important to provide them with plants like java moss or tall background plants along with driftwood for shelter. Maintaining suitable water conditions that replicate their natural habitat is key to successfully housing Green Fire Tetras.

green fire tetra Appearance & Behavior

Appearance & Behavior

Green Fire Tetras from South America are brightly colored tropical fish that prefer swimming in groups. These peaceful creatures thrive in planted tanks with tall background plants and make great additions to community tanks. Their diet includes both plant and animal matter such as brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, cichlids, tubifex, infusoria and pellets. As a species that loves hiding places they should be provided with ample opportunities for the same. It is important to note that these tropical fish have a scientific name called Aphyocharax rathbuni.

Colors, Patterns, Fins, and Sex Differences

With their vibrant green color and striking red fins, green fire tetras make a beautiful addition to any aquarium. These peaceful fish thrive in planted tanks with plenty of hiding places, and require a balanced diet that includes live foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex, and infusoria. When breeding green fire tetras, it’s important to prepare a breeding tank with the right water parameters and vegetation. In terms of sex differences, males tend to be smaller and more colorful than females, who are larger with an orange underbelly.

Typical Behavior

Green fire tetras are perfect for beginner aquarists due to their peaceful nature and ease of care. These tropical fish exhibit shoaling behavior and thrive in planted aquariums with plenty of hiding spaces. They prefer slightly acidic waters with a pH range of 6.0-8.0 and require a balanced diet consisting of plant and animal matter like brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex, infusoria, and pellets. Green fire tetras have a bright green coloration with distinctive black stripes on their body and red or transparent fins with white tips.

green fire tetra Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some important considerations when setting up an aquarium for Green Fire Tetras?

When setting up an aquarium for Green Fire Tetras, ensure a planted tank with hiding spots. Maintain water temperature between 72-80°F and slightly acidic to neutral pH. Keep them in groups of six or more as they are schooling fish. Avoid aggressive or larger tank mates that may harass them.

What is the ideal water temperature and pH level for Green Fire Tetras?

For Green Fire Tetras, the ideal water temperature is 72-79°F (22-26°C) with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. Consistency is key, so avoid sudden fluctuations in temperature and pH levels. Keep your fish healthy by performing regular water tests and maintenance.

How can I ensure that my Green Fire Tetras are healthy and happy in their aquarium environment?

To keep your Green Fire Tetras healthy and content in their tank, it’s important to maintain good water quality by testing and changing the water, provide a comfortable environment with proper plants, hiding spots, and lighting. Feed them high-quality foods and regularly observe their behavior for signs of stress or illness.

Are there any compatible tank mates for Green Fire Tetras?

Green Fire Tetras can live peacefully with non-aggressive fish like neon tetras and cherry barbs. However, aggressive fish such as cichlids or bettas should be avoided. Researching and ensuring compatibility is crucial before introducing any new fish to the tank.

Are Candy Cane Tetras as Beautiful and Peaceful as Green Fire Tetras in an Aquarium?

The peaceful and rosy candy cane tetra is known for its vibrant colors and docile nature, making it a beautiful addition to any aquarium. However, when compared to the mesmerizing beauty of the green fire tetra, the candy cane tetra may pale in comparison. While both species are peaceful, the green fire tetra’s striking green hue and fiery red fins create an unparalleled visual spectacle within the tank. Ultimately, the choice between these two stunning tetras depends on personal preference.


Green Fire Tetras are a beautiful addition to any aquarium. With their striking green color and unique physical characteristics, they can add vibrant energy to your tank. They require specific care and attention to thrive, but with the right setup and maintenance, you can enjoy their beauty for years to come. From understanding their natural habitat and breeding habits to providing adequate tank conditions and nutrition, taking care of these fish requires dedication and knowledge. Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or a beginner, our comprehensive guide on Green Fire Tetra care has everything you need to know to keep these stunning fish happy and healthy.

Hi, I'm Millie a passionate fish enthusiast and blogger. I loves learning about all kinds of aquatic creatures, from tropical fish to stingrays.

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